The 3rd General Assembly
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In addition, many renovators and model workers from factories and the countryside as well as representatives from industrial departments, universities and CAS branches were invited to attend the conference. On the agenda of the meeting were a keynote speech delivered by CAS President Guo Moruo under the title of “To Make a Faster Attempt for Scaling the Scientific Heights by Upholding the Banner of Mao Zedong Thought,?discussions of the national three-year program and eight-year tentative plan for theoretical research on natural sciences, a review of the scientific achievements and experience since the “Great Leap Forward,?and presentation of major research papers and technical renovations in various farming and industrial frontiers. The aim of the conference was to make ideological preparations for an early fulfillment of the national 12-year long-range S&T Development plan and successful scaling the world science summits.
In his report, Guo reviewed China’s S&T achievements and the implementation of the Party’s General Line for Socialist Reconstruction since the previous meeting. He also pinpointed the issues to be addressed in the coming years:
1. To examine, under the auspices of the State S&T Commission, the enforcement of the 12-year long-range S&T development plan and make plans for the upcoming three years and another five years;
2. To better integrate the professional research with the mass movement of technical renovation and revolution;
3. To make great efforts in developing a contingent of scientists both politically progressive and professionally proficient;
4. To energize academic activities under the guideline of “letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend.?nbsp;
5. To further coordination between research bodies, universities and the industrial sector.
6. To accelerate the international S&T cooperation and exchanges. In his speech at the meeting, Nie Rongzhen elucidated key tasks for Chinese science, theoretical research in natural sciences and mass line in research work. CAS Vice Secretary-general Du Runsheng made an explanation of the Scheme for the Theoretical Research of Natural Sciences. When the conference was in session, Vice Premier Nie Rongzhen and CAS Vice President Zhang Jinfu held talks with representative of the model workers, scientists and engineers present at the meeting.
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