Member Activities

CAS Member WU Lixin Honored with 2024 AMS Henry Stommel Research Medal and Elected AMS Fellow

Jan 19, 2024

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Recently, the American Meteorological Society (AMS) announced the winners of the major awards and fellows for the year 2024. CAS Member WU Lixin was honored with the 2024 AMS Henry Stommel Research Medal, the highest award in the field of ocean science, and was also elected as an AMS Fellow. This award is widely recognized as the highest honor for physical oceanographers worldwide, and WU is the first Asian oceanographer to receive this honor in the 30-year history of the award.


CAS Member WU Lixin has long been committed to research on multi-scale ocean dynamic processes, air-sea interactions, ocean Earth system observation, simulation, and prediction. He has led the initiation of the "Transparent Ocean" research program, promoting the implementation of several significant projects such as ocean supercomputing and the "Two Oceans and One Sea" three-dimensional observation system. He serves as the group leader of the expert group of the National Natural Science Foundation of China's Western Pacific Major Research Plan and the Ministry of Science and Technology's Key Research and Development Program on Marine Environment during the 14th Five-Year Plan. 

The AMS was established in 1919 as a scientific authority organization aimed at promoting the development and dissemination of atmospheric, oceanic, and hydrological sciences. Currently, it has more than 13,000 members. In 1995, AMS established the Henry Stommel Research Medal, named after Henry Stommel, the father of physical oceanography, founder of the theory of ocean circulation, and a renowned American physical oceanographer. This medal, awarded annually to one scholar only, represents the highest honor for oceanographers established by the American Meteorological Society to recognize outstanding contributions in the study of ocean dynamics and physical processes. (Ocean University of China) 

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